Thursday, September 2, 2021

Diablo II Resurrected - Runes and Runewords

Let's talk about Runes and Runewords


Runes - small objects similar to gems and jewels that add attributes to a socketed item.

Runeword - an item that is socketed by several runes making the weapon more powerful and possess 'runeword'. There are several rules that you need to follow in order to make a proper runeword item.


In order to make a Runeword item, you need to follow the following rules

  1. The item must be the correct type. Use staff if the formula requires a staff. Use a wand if the formula requires a wand.
  2. Item must be a normal item. It can be Low Quality, Superior, and/or Etherial. But it must be a normal item. (gray text items). Magical, Rare, Set, Crafted, or Unique items will not work. Just remember: Grey Text Items
  3. The item must have the correct number of sockets. Making a 3-socket runeword using a 4-socket item will not work. 
  4. You must place the Runes in the item in the correct order. For the Runeword Leaf, you will need Tir + Ral runes. You need to place Tir first then Ral. Otherwise, it will not work.
Leaf Runeword. Using Tir + Ral runes

Superior Short Staff. Note that I used a 2 socket staff.

Rune Farming

Early gameplay, I farmed my runes from The Countess in the Forgotten Tower. You won't miss it because it's part of the Act I quests. Just go back and raid Forgotten Tower multiple times. You'll get at 1-3 runes every raid.

Based on the set of runes that I got from 5-6 raids of The Countess, the staff 'Leaf' was the best that I could do for my sorceress. 

I'll try to update the farming spots as I progress during the game release.
You can check The Arreat Summit for a list of runewords available. Happy research!

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