Monday, August 23, 2021

Diablo II Resurrected - Shortcut Keys for Smoother Gameplay

The beta testing just ended. I was able to complete Act I but barely progressed for Act II. Anyways, that's not the concern here. Below are shortcut keys that should help you play the game much smoother.

Shortcut Keys

  • Auto Sell To NPC - Ctrl + Left Click
  • Auto Buy from NPC - Ctrl + Right Click
  • Auto Transfer to/from Storage - Ctrl + Left Click
  • Auto Buy Potions to fill your belt - Shift + Right Click
  • Transfer Potion from Inventory to belt - Shift + Left Click
  • Buy Enough Scroll of Town Portal/Identify to fill your Tome - Shift + Right Click
I'll add more soon. 

Auto Buy Potions to fill your belt

Auto Buy from NPC

Auto Sell To NPC

Buy Enough Scroll of Town Portal/Identify to fill your Tome

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