Monday, July 26, 2021

Pokemon Unite - Don't Buy These POKEMONS!


You're probably excited to explore the game. Can't wait to unlock your favorite pokemon to battle. Before you go spending your hard-earned Aeos Coins, please spend the next 5 minutes reading through this post.

Aeos Coins

- Obtained through battles as well as through events and other sources.
- Up to 2100 Aeos Coins can be gained per week (through battles)

Buying Pokemon Unite License

- Depending on the Pokemon, you will be spending 6000, 8000, or 10000 Aeos Coins to unlock one Pokemon Unite License. Since the Aeos Coins are limited, make sure to maximize your coins by not buying these Pokemons!

Don't buy them because you'll get them for FREE!

Below is the list of free Pokemons that you'd unlock by playing the game.

  • Slowbro - unlock at Trainer Level 2
  • Venusaur - unlock at Trainer Level 5
  • Crustle - unlock at Day 7 of Beginner Challenge
  • Alolan Nintetails - unlock at Day 2 of 14-day Welcome Gifts
  • Cinderace - unlock at Day 8 of 14-day Welcome Gifts
  • Greninja - unlock at Day 14 of 14-day Welcome Gifts
Of course, if Greninja is your favorite and you don't want to wait 14 days to get Greninja, then by all means buy his Unite License. Just think twice before spending your precious Aeos Coins on Pokemons that you'll get free.


- NP

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